Monday 23 April 2012

I love knowin all d "parde k peeche" ki reading all saucy stuff ths "cooking" in tinsel town ..:) its basically my fav territory to get into..y..? for a very simple reason -I find it more dramatic n entertaining...Trust me guys, therz much ..much more to this glamorous world thn me n u can ever actualy proves- all tht glitterz not gold..(most of the times its just a gold polish which is applied to hide the ugly,dark,useless metal beneath)...Starry tantrums, cat fights, egos, casting couch, love, break-ups, drugs, alcohol, extra-marital affairs, insecurities etc..all these things tht we often here as rumours r not always RUMOURS.. you'll agree with me more after reading these blind items written by sum very renouned bollywood reporters..
Let the game begin...

The Miser & the camera : Rajeev Masand

Open magazine col, cortesy Rajeev Masand. Quite an easy one ;-)
He may share his second name with his more ‘commercial minded’ movie-star cousins, but he’s had considerable success himself taking the road less travelled. This popular leading man of mostly quirky, often art-house fare is a favourite among a band of younger filmmakers driven to tell unconventional stories within the ‘mainstream’ format.
However, insiders insist that even if his taste in films is unconventional, he’s no different from typical penny-pinching actors who seldom reach into their own pockets to pay bills. While working on a new thriller with a respected young filmmaker he’d previously made a memorable movie with, the actor accompanied the unit production manager on an equipment-hunting session one afternoon. While they were out and about, the actor set his sights on an expensive DSLR camera, but he wasn’t carrying enough money to pay for it. He reportedly asked the production manager to shell out roughly Rs 50,000—the cost of the camera—offering to return the cash the following day. Hardly in a position to say ‘no’ to the star, the manager paid up. Expectedly, the money wasn’t returned the following day, or the day after, or anytime that week. The manager has said he repeatedly sent word to the actor’s secretary asking to be reimbursed for the camera, as he needed to settle accounts with his boss. No response from the star or his secretary.
When a few months had passed without any visible inclination on the actor’s part to pay for the camera, the desperate manager and the film’s producer realised they had no choice but to get the studio involved. Since this wasn’t one of those super-expensive vanity projects where stars are unduly pampered—rather, a tightly-budgeted project—the studio co-financing the movie decided they couldn’t just write off such a significant amount. So, while settling the actor’s fee, they deducted the cost of the camera. Embarrassed that his indiscretion had become public knowledge, the actor didn’t contest the cut. He simply never brought it up with anyone—not the studio, not the film’s producer, and not the poor production manager, who was just relieved that he wasn’t going to lose his job if the money wasn’t recovered.

He calls this a party trick - Rajeev Masand

Open Magazine column by Masand .
He makes tasteless films that rake in big bucks. And word on the street is that he’s just as tasteless as his movies. It’s well known in Bollywood circles that this actor/TV host/filmmaker has embarrassed many a female acquaintance by talking constantly about his… umm… ‘endowment’, and has even flaunted it to those reluctant to buy his tall claims.
A friend of the gentle(?)man reveals that he has now taken a picture of it on his cell phone, and happily pulls it out at private gatherings just to watch his friends squirm.

Rajeev Masand : Monogamy Delusion

the open magazine, courtesy Rajeev Masand.
One of Bollywood’s hottest female stars, who’s been single the past year after breaking up with her long-term boyfriend, recently found out that the latter had been secretly seeing his current girlfriend while they were still a couple. Her actor ex, who cultivated the image of a committed partner while they were together, was always rumoured to have been playing the field discreetly. But she only recently found out he’d been double-dating the last few months they were together. She’s believed to have told friends that she failed to recognise him fully even though they’d been together so many years. While she has publicly wished him all the best with his current girlfriend (a “corporate type”), she’s said to be disgusted that he could take her for a ride without her even suspecting it.

Character Dheela - blind items by Simi Chandoke

Simi Chandoke works for Zoom TV which is part of the Times of India group. Simi recently published a bunch of blind items. Some are rather scandalous. Here it goes
Bollywood is buzzing with so many scandals that I could start a whole new gossip show.
1) An actress who is known more for her dimples than her films, and who has been single for sometime now, is throwing caution to the winds. She was seen cuddling with and smooching a married business tycoon on a commercial plane recently. Wonder why he chose to abandon his private jet and chose a regular flight instead. In the past, this actress almost wrecked a bearded director's marriage and at the time claimed that she would never have anything to do with a married man. Interestingly, she kept complaining about her ex-boyfriend, also an industrialist, while they took breaks between hugging and kissing all through the domestic flight.
2) In the meantime a married actor, who is known to be a 'player' and who everyone thought had mended his ways, unleashed his inner playboy once again. He seems to have a fetish for gori chamdi like most North Indian guys. Apparently, he has often frolicked with East European dancers, and even has one on his staff. Currently the macho hero is involved with a married woman who happens to be married to one of his friends who recently won a reality TV show.
3) And then there is the B-Town's big hunk who is freshly single after a break-up with his girlfriend of eight years. He is now supposed to be involved in a Dostana kind of bonding with a popular sports star... On the surface, the two are great friends. But apparently the two men are totally smitten by each other. Whew! Hopefully one day B-Town's gay men will decide to come out of.
4) Then there is a yesteryear heartthrob who may now well be in her 60s. She is married and her daughter too is an actress. This beautiful actress has found a young toy boy for herself; a purser with a private airline. Talk of the mile-high club. Apparently, the actress is pretty open about her involvement with him. Recently she was in Chandigarh for a performance and she openly shared a room with him. The moment she was done with her performances she would either rush up to the room or call him to the restaurant in the hotel. Sweet, no?

start guessing guys..lets play..:))

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